

Hnoss and Gersimi (both names mean "treasure", "jewel" in Old Norse) are the daughters of Freya and Odr in Norse mythology.

Mentions of Hnoss 

Hnoss and Gersimi are only mentioned in Snorri Sturluson and in the thulur. In the Ynglinga saga (10), Snorri indicates that Freya's husband is Oed and her daughters are Hnoss and Gersemi, saying: "They were very beautiful. Their names are used to designate the most precious objects".

Hnoss is similarly mentioned in the Gylfaginning (35): after mentioning her kinship, Snorri writes that she is "so beautiful that her name is used to designate all beautiful and precious things: they are indeed called hnossir ("jewels")". He also points out in the Skáldskaparmál (20, 37) that Freya may be referred to by the kenning 'mother of Hnoss' (móður Hnossar).


The names of Hnoss or Gersimi, however, do not appear as proper names in the preserved scaldic poetry. References to Freya's daughter are, however, frequent in reference to gold, treasure or a precious weapon. Thus, in his *Øxarflokkr, Einarr Skúlason refers to the axe given to him by kenningar such as "glorious child of Hörn [Freya]" (hróðrbarn Hǫrnar), "niece of Freyr" (Freys nipt), "child of the daughter of Njörd" (Njarðar dóttur barn), "daughter of the bride of the Vanes [Freya]" (Vanabrúðar dóttir), "daughter of Gefn [Freya]" (mær Gefnar).

The names of Freya's daughters prove that she is also a goddess of wealth, which is also illustrated by her golden tears or the precious necklace of the Brísingar.

As Hnoss and Gersimi do not appear in any myth, Rudolf Simek has suggested that their names could either come from a misunderstood kenning, or could have been invented by Snorri.